So here's what I did today..well this was after watching an episode of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (love that show).
Vertical jumps (ground to 6th stair) - 3x10 reps
Drop jumps - 3x10 reps
Jumping lunges (alternating) - 3x10 reps
What I did yesterday..
Elevated pushups 3x25
Kneeling shoulder press..with the coffee table 3x25
Reverse crunches 3x10-12
Crunches (max contraction at the top) 3x10-12
Yo dude,
I think that all the video demos need to use 'naked' models, per your 'gymnazein' choice of titles. just a suggestion...i think your traffic would probably increase :)
Nice shot :) Glad to see you're settling in.
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