Well, read on - because I have a fool proof way to help you shed the pounds, whilst keeping some green in your pocket. Be forewarned that this is nothing but a strategy to help control caloric intake, so it's not rocket science.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Losing Weight and Saving Money
1. Take a look at your grocery bill from last week - how much did you spend?
2. Assuming you are only buying for yourself, use this as a rough guide:
150lbs - spend no more that $55
175lbs -spend no more than $65-70
200lbs - spend no more than $70-75
3. Now, the next time you go to the grocery store, allow yourself to only spend that amount on food - do not go over. This amount doesn't include any supplements you might fancy.
4. Now, in addition to monetary restrictions, you are allowed only to buy the following general items:
Lean meats
Lean dairy products
Colorful veggies
Fruits (especially berries)
Chocolate (as long as it's dark - 70% cocoa or higher should be adequate)
Tea (green tea preferred)
Bottled water
Beans and lentils
5. If you feel you are overweight, absolutely no starchy carbohydrates are allowed. That means no potatoes, pastas, breads, etc. If you are trying to put on weight, only complex carbohydrates are allowed.
That's it. Simple isn't it? The concept here is simple - you can't eat what you don't have. Stop buying more than you need and your body will reflect this change; and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll see a difference (2-3 weeks). This works best if you're following a sound exercise program that helps you keep muscle and burn fat. Soon as I have some time, I'll post up a couple of workouts that you can use to get you started. If you're in a hurry, there's plenty here to get the ball rolling so look at some past posts. For a lot of you, spending that amount of money may seem ridiculous as you're used to spending a lot more - but give it a shot and you won't be disappointed. After that, whether you decide to stick with this is upto you. For others, the prices I've listed above may even be too high, so you'll have to individualize it.
Let me know how it goes.
1 comment:
dear abster,
i don't really need to decrease anything in my diet, as is subsisting on kimchi and ramen is enough to keep a person lean and borderline malnourished. that withstanding aol has me concerned. apparently i have "female fat zones". imagine my chagrin, female fat zones!
after being thus informed i did a once over to assess the situation for myself.
-female. check.
-zones. check.
- and good lordy i have fat! double check...
so the question i have now for you, gym guru, is how does someone as unmotivated as i trim my thighs to svelte perfection? mind you, i have bad knees and weak ankles...
squishy in south korea
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